Information according to articles 13 – 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679

With reference to your personal data collected in order to manage the event, Puccio Penalisti Associati (hereinafter, the “Law Firm”), as Controller of the data processing, informs You as follows.

1. Data Controller
The Data Controller is  PUCCIO PENALISTI ASSOCIATI having its legal seat in Brescia, Corso Martiri della Libertà 64. The updated list of Processors and appointed Operators is stored at the Controller’s legal seat.
2. Processed data
The Law Firm will process your personal data and/or personal data referring to employees of the company that you represent, to whom we urge you to show this Information. The Law Firm processes:
A. personal details (e.g. name, family name, date of birth, address);
B. contact data (e.g. e-mail address; mobile number).

3. Source of the collected personal data
Personal data are collected:
• from the data subject;
• from third parties.

4. Purpose of the processing
The treatment of your data aims at:
1. the managing of the registration and participation to the event (e.g. forwarding of remainder e-mail, possible organizational changes to the event);
2. the forwarding of messages related to the Law Firm’s activity, by mean of newsletter, corporate communications, invitation to events, by mean of mailing lists and/or personal messages;
3. to fulfill legal duties deriving from national of European rules and regulations, or from an order coming from a Jurisdictional Authority;
4. to grant the Controller the possibility to exercise his right, e.g. to defend himself in front of a relevant Jurisdiction.
The basis of your Data processing is:
• with reference to the purposes stated under par. 4.1, the organization of the event (see art. 6 par. 1 letter b) GDPR);
• with reference to the purposes stated under parr. 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4., the legitimate interest of the Controller (see art. 6 par. 1 letter f) GDPR).

5. Data processing procedure
The Data processing is performed by the Controller with due respect to the principles of accuracy, lawfulness and transparency, by mean of analogic and digital tools, suitable to guarantee the safety and confidentiality of personal data.

6. Data transmission
Your Data may be transmitted to Data Processors duly appointed by the Controller.

7. Data transfer
The management and conservation of Data will be implemented by mean of the servers that are located in the Controller’s and/or Processors’ seat. Collected personal data will not be transferred outside the EU.

8. Data processing duration
Your Personal Data will be stored for the time span that is permitted by the law.

9. Data subject rights
You have the right to obtain confirmation that a Data treatment of his personal data is in place, and get to access such Data and to receive the personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and also the right to know the source of your personal data as well as the purpose of the processing and the data processing modalities, the Controller’s contact data and the list of the duly appointed Processors.
You also have the right to obtain the the revision of inaccurate personal data, the erasure of any persona data, the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the Controller, the right to anonimization or the interruption of the personal data unlawfully treated.
You can anytime exercise any of the rights listed above by mean of a written request to be addressed either to the Controller’s seat, or to the email address
You have the right to file a petition in front of a control authority (for Italy, the Garante della Privacy, at any time, if You believe that the processing of Your data has not been managed appropriately.